In addition with all the lectures, industrial visits and conferences, the 9 working groups composed of 5 students from different nationalities will work on different topics. The student teams will be managed by the lecturers, each of them is involved, through contributing their individual skills and creativity.
These are the topics with the the explanations (pdf files):
- Redesign products to be environmentally friendly
- Solar thermal systems for cooking, beaking and heating domestic water
- Supply Chain Case "Spare Parts Europe"
- Managing C2C: the cradle to cradle philosophy
- “Green business” and Business plan
Carbon footprint of the intensive programme on SMT
- Consumers appreciation of food products from sustainable agriculture
Polymers and the Environment
- Industrial ecological park
And these are the 9 posters realised by the 9 groups during these 2 weeks:
Danube: Carbon footprint
Euphrates: Polymers and the Environment
Eco industrial park
Loire: Managing C2C
Parnü: Green Roofs as a Green Business
Rhine:Bio-wraps: an alternative to plastics
Teno: Solar Thermal Systems
Tiber: Consumers appreciation of food products from sustainable agriculture
Vitsula: Supply Chain Case